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The Basics

If you have information you want to save between bot sessions that is calculated at runtime, there is a solution that can be used. It is something I call decided to call "botState". It is very simple to use.

  1. Go to the create command screen and create a command that will use JS. If you don't know how to do this yet, see the tutorial on "Using Javascript in messages".
  2. If we want to store some information we set that on a variable named "botState". This variable is already defined when you start hosting your bot. To store something inside, just set a property as you would in JS, for example we could do "botState.x = 'my saved string'".
  3. To read some information and insert it in a message, you can just do $get(botState.x) as an example based on our previous saving example. This will print "my saved string" in your response.
  4. This is all you have to worry about. From here, the app should handle saving the "botState" on application close or cancelling of hosting.

This command will simulate a dice roll which could be used for something like D&D.

  1. Go to the create command screen and set the type to "Message Receive"
  2. We will name the command "!dice"
  3. In the channel message field we will put "You rolled a $rollnum(1,6)"
  4. Save the command, host your bot and test out the command


Image of Command

Output Example

Image of ouput

This command will let someone with kick user privalege kick users with the bot.

  1. Go to the create command screen and set the type to "Message Receive"
  2. We will name the command "!kick"
  3. In moderation section check the "kick" checkbox
  4. Save the command, host your bot and test out the command. Usage for command that use moderation is your command name and a mention of the user receiving that action like "!kick @user"


Image of Command

Usage Example

Image of usage

This command will show how to make use of the phrase checkbox.

  1. Go to the create command screenand set the type to "Message Receive"
  2. We will name the command "dog"
  3. In the channel message field we will put "I like dogs!"
  4. Save the command, host your bot and test out the command. Now when anyone mentions the word dog the bot will react.


Image of Command

Output Example

Image of ouput

This command will show usage of a few keywords.

  1. Go to the create command screen and set the type to "Message Receive"
  2. We will name the command "!date"
  3. In the channel message field we will put "Hello $name it is $date"
  4. Save the command, host your bot and test out the command


Image of Command

Output Example

Image of ouput

This command will add a role to a user when they join the Discord Server

  1. Go to the create command screen and set the type to "Member Join" This type is used for when a user joins a server.
  2. We're going to check the "Assign/Remove Role" checkbox. This action assigns a role when activated the first time and removes it if activated again. With us using "Member Join" its only ever activated once.
  3. Lets put our role into the "Role Name" field, my role is called New user. This is case sensitive.
  4. Try out the command with someone joining your server!


Image of Command

Embed messages are a special type of message. This will show you how to make them.

  1. Go to the create commmand screen and set the type to "Message Receive" and set command to "!embed"
  2. Check the "Send Channel Message Embed" checkbox.
  3. Now we get 5 fields to fill in. All of them are optional as long as you fill in at least one of them.
  4. Lets put "My Embed" in the title field.
  5. "$name is who called this command" will go in the description field.
  6. "$date" will go in the footer. This can work like a timestamp.
  7. I am going to put "https://i.redd.it/9hs5qf7qulz41.png" in the image url field. You can put any link to an image you want.
  8. In the thumbnail field lets put "$avatar" as this puts the url of the person who called this commands avatar there. You can put any link to an image you want though.
  9. Save and test the command.


Image of Command

Output Example

Image of ouput

This command will make use of a specific message in order to allow users to react to gain and remove roles.

  1. Create a command with type reaction add.
  2. In the command field we will put the emoji that will be used to gain the role. I'll use 😊. Note: If you want to use custom emojis just put the name and do not include the surrounding :.
  3. Check "Require specific message ID" and put the ID of the message you would like to use for people to gain roles.
  4. Check "Assign/Remove Role" and put the name of the role you are going to assign. I'll just put "Tester" for mine.
  5. Test your command to see if it works, and then repeat for any other roles you would like to assign this way.


Image of Command

To use JavaScript we must make use of keywords like $eval and $halt

  1. Create a command with any name you want, maybe call it "Hello world"
  2. Check channel send
  3. Insert the $eval keyword with the $halt keyword afterwards.
  4. Inbetween we'll put our code. For this simple example lets put "var hello = "Hello world";"
  5. After the $halt keyword or before the $eval, we can put the rest of our message. Lets put "Our output is $get(hello)".
  6. Run the bot, and test the command.


Image of Command

Output Example

Image of ouput