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Message Receive

Indicates that the command will trigger when a message is recieved in a server the bot is in.

Private Message

Indicates that the command will trigger when a message is recieved through direct message with the bot.

Member Join

Indicates the command will trigger when a member joins a server the bot is in.

Member Leave

Indicates the command will trigger when a member leaves a server the bot is in.

Member Ban

Indicates the command will trigger when a member is banned from a server the bot is in.

Reaction Add

Indicates the command will trigger when a reaction is added to a message in a server the bot is in. Command field for this type must be filled with an emoji or name of a custom emoji to trigger, or * can be used so it always triggers.


The string (or emoji for Reaction Add) that will cause the actions of the command to happen. If * is placed in this field the command's actions will always happen.

Command Description

An optional description you can write to remember what your command does.


Message Receive, Private Message

The command string can be anywhere in the message to activate the command.

Requires Role

Message Receive, Reaction Add

The command will only activate with the given role.

Requires Administrator Privilege

Message Receive, Reaction Add

The command will only activate if the user who calls it has admin privileges.

Send Channel Message

Message Receive, Member Join, Member Leave, Member Ban, Reaction Add

Sends a messsage in the channel where the command is called.

Send Channel Message Embed

Message Receive, Member Join, Member Leave, Member Ban, Reaction Add

Creates an embed. Image URL and Thumbnail URL must be valid if used.

Send in specific channel

Message Receive, Member Join, Member Leave, Member Ban, Reaction Add

Overrides what channel the channel message and embed actions get sent to.

Send Private Message

Message Receive, Private Message, Member Join, Member Leave, Member Ban, Reaction Add

Sends a private message to the user who called the command.

Send Private Message Embed

Message Receive, Private Message, Member Join, Member Leave, Member Ban, Reaction Add

Creates an embed. Image URL and Thumbnail URL must be valid if used.

React to received message

Message Receive, Private Message

Reacts to the message that triggered the command. If you're using a custom emoji, then just use the name of it.

Ignore error messages

Message Receive, Private Message, Member Join, Member Leave, Member Ban, Reaction Add

Ignores most error messages that are not fatal to the functions of the command.

Require specific message ID

Reaction Add

Requires a specific message ID for the React Add type command to function.

Delete if contains

Message Receive

Removes the message if it contains a certain string. Different strings must be separated with |.

Delete command message after

Message Receive

Deletes the message that called the command.

Delete X messages

Message Receive

Deletes the number indicated in the field amount of messsages.

NSFW only

Message Receive, Reaction Add

The command can only be called in NSFW channels.


Message Receive

Kicks a user. Requires kicking permissions. Usage: if command is "kick" usage is "kick @user"


Message Receive

Bans a user. Requires banning permissions. Usage: if command is "ban" usage is "kban @user"

Voice Mute

Message Receive

Voice mutes a user if called first time, else unmutes them. Requires muting permissions. Usage: if command is "mute" usage is "mute @user"

Assign/Remove Role

Message Receive, Member Join, Reaction Add

Assigns a role when called the if user has the role, else it removes the role.

What is it?

This is the file that is outputted when you export your commands. You could upload and send it to other people to use with the app, but you could also use these commands as the basis for a bot you decide to write yourself. I've tried to describe what each value is and what it is used for here.

actionArr[bool, bool]

This is an array. The first index represents if the command should send a channel message. The second represents if a private message should be sent.


The channel message that will be sent.


The command that the message must equal inorder for the command to trigger. This will be an emoji or name of custom emoji for the react add type.


A description of the command.


If the message that triggered the command should be deleted afterwards.


A boolean that is used to determine if the command should be deleted if it contains certain strings.


The strings that will be used if deleteIf is true to delete a message.


The number of messages to delete if deleteX is true.


If this is a mass delete command.


If the command should ignore error messages.


If the command should ban someone.


If the command should kick someone.


If the command is NSFW and should only be sent in NSFW channels.


If the command should react to the message received.


If the command should require a role to be used.


If the command should assign a role.


If the command should send channel or embed messages into a specific channel.


If the command should, if react add type, only work on a specific message ID.


If the command should voice mute a user.


If the command should activate if there is more than just the command in the recieved message.


The content of the private message that will send.


The emote that will be used to react if isReact is true.


The role that is required to send certain messages if isRoleRequired is true.


The role that will be assigned if isRoleAssigner is true.


If a channel embed should be sent.


If a private embed should be sent.


The name of the specific channel to send a message to.


The ID of a certain message that must be reacted to.


The command type.


The channel embed to be sent, includes a title, description, footer, image, and thumbnail.


The private embed to be sent, includes a title, description, footer, image, and thumbnail.